Conversation Partner: Adding fluency to your learning

italkiSure, you don’t get to speak as a native just by throwing yourself in from of a screen with native speakers on the other side. But it helps.

If you’re already having lessons with a teacher or learning through some materials, practicing conversation with native speakers will boost your improvement. It’s straightforward: you’ll just apply in real situations what you learnt by hard work previously. The price is the acknowledgment of your ability.

However, it’s not all fun. Especially before doing it, it’s not fun at all. You imagine everything that can go wrong: what if  we aren’t compatible ? What if I can’t speak a word? What if we don’t like each other? Never-ending list of what-ifs…

partner skypeHere’s my experience with this kind of exchange:

  1. Ask some questions first: People on Italki are really interested in learning languages. Sure, there’ll be one or two guys that just want to hang out or even flirt, but by a quick pre-lesson check, you’ll be able to undercover them. But anyway, really, most people in Italki are language freaks.
  2. Prepare for the lessons: with some planning, you’ll get the results you’re waiting for, instead of a random stumbling. Set some specific goals for your next lesson, either they are practicing the new past tense you just learned or talking a bit more deeply about how much you love movies / rock music / museums / knitting / your family / crafted beer / you see where I’m going.
  3. Take 5 mins off before your lessons: Being nervous is expectable, so if you just jump in, you might be not in your best circumstances. Take some minutes for preparing your mind before the session and make yourself a tea or listen to your favorite (Spanish!) track.
  4. Choose wisely: There are many people out there. The most similar to you, the most enjoyable and fluid the conversation between your partner and you.
  5. Review afterwards: How did you feel? Did it work? What can be improved for next time? In most occasions, the experience is very pleasant. If you didn’t feel ok, you might think of getting another partner. Most of the times it’s not the system that failed, but the circumstances.

partnerI have witnessed the benefits directly in my own students. Their confidence and fluent boosted 200%. If you are really into speaking Spanish, and you have already a custom learning plan, get yourself a buddy and start practicing what you already know.




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