work spanish

El Trabajo – Work in Spanish. A Vocabulary Guide

Talking about Work in Spanish

Ever wanted to have a conversation about your work in Spanish? Is not as easy as it seems. Especially when work culture is so different in different countries.

But don’t worry. There are certain expressions and vocabulary that you can easily apply when talking about what you do for a living. And asking other people how they do so!

El Trabajo – Vocabulary List

Regardless what you do for a living, some words are going to be necessary when talking about jobs. Words like “salary”, “full-time”, “to hire” or “to fire” are on a daily basis for every employee in the world. Go get them and use them!

…. and more!

Download the Vocabulary List here:   Vocabulario Trabajo - Spanish (433 downloads)

quizletPractice your Vocab with Quizlet

Quizlet is a great tool for creating flashcards, studying new vocabulary and testing your knowledge of new terms. I strongly recommend it for your Spanish learning.

Practice with the words first a little bit and then test your new work vocabulary.

Access to Vocabulary List: El Trabajo in Quizlet for free.

Some Conversation Starters about Work – in Spanish

When the time to practice comes, here is a list of questions you can ask your Spanish-speaking conversation partner. Their structure is slightly different than their English counterparts. Keep an eye on them!

¿En qué trabajas? / ¿A qué te dedicas? – What do you do?

¿Desde cuándo lo haces? / ¿Cuánto tiempo llevas haciéndolo? – For how long?

¿Antes de eso, qué hacías? – What did you do before?

¿Por qué decidiste hacer eso? – Why did you choose it?

¿Qué es lo mejor de tu trabajo? – What’s the best thing from your job?

¿Qué es lo peor? – What’s the worst thing?

¿Qué te gustaría hacer en 5 años? – What would you like to do in 5 years from now?

“Siempre sal de la oficina a tiempo”

For a final thought, I want to share with you this whiteboard image that became viral on the Spanish-speaking Internet.

It’s not a new thought but we all sometimes forget about it. When talking about work, we have to remember that there are other most important things in life. Take the advice: “Siempre sal de la oficina a tiempo”!

¿Qué opinas de tu trabajo? ¿Te gusta, no te gusta? Escribe en los comentarios para practicar este vocabulario. ¡Hasta pronto!

4 thoughts on “El Trabajo – Work in Spanish. A Vocabulary Guide

  1. Reply
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    […] Picture courtesy Jose Migurel open work […]

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