
Día de Acción de Gracias = Thanksgiving Day

Yep, that’s the Spanish translation for Thanksgiving => Día de Acción de Gracias. Literally, the Day of the Action of Thanking. A good example of how languages differ not just in words, but in structure, wording and sentence order.

However, in Spanish-speaking countries, we don’t celebrate Thanksgiving. It only happens in America and other countries (Canada, UK, Australia, the Netherlands, Philippines…). We use “Acción de Gracias” when we translate it from movies, TV shows, and pop culture.

Anyway, I just want to give you a quick guide with the Spanish names of the most common items these days.

Practice your Spanish on Instagram: #acciondegracias

I’m also trying something new today. I’d like to share with all Spanish students how we celebrate Thanksgiving using Spanish at the same time. Post your pictures on Instagram with the hashtag #acciondegracias, and I’ll collect and share all of them and after the holiday. It’ll be fun! And it’s another way of bringing Spanish to your daily life.

I’ll do it myself as well. This is my first one! “Pastel de manzana”

Pastel de manzana “Hoy hemos preparado pastel de manzana en casa y ya hemos comido la mitad” #acciondegracias #thanskgiving # Applepie #homemade #spanish #instalearn #challenge #share

A photo posted by Jose Miguel Montoro (@hellospanish) on

Here’s a gallery with all the Spanish names you need to know this Thanksgiving

Click left/right to see more

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  2. 2
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¿Cuáles son tus planes para el Día de Acción de Gracias?

Share your Thanksgiving pictures with your fellow Spanish learners all over the world! If you have an Instagram account, post your pictures with the hashtag #acciondegracias, and I’ll collect all of them after the holiday. I’ll be doing the same myself! I’m curious about how your pies and turkey look like.

Disfruta de tus vacaciones de Día de Acción de Gracias. ¡Hasta pronto!


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